Women and the magic they weave!

Women and the magic they weave!

How can you celebrate being a woman?

  • Celebrate your Femininity. It’s all about doing something for YOU that makes YOU feel you’re most amazing, beautiful, confident, sweet and sexy self.
  • Develop a Sadhana. Do something for yourself that nourishes and nurtures you everyday
  • Call upon your Inner Goddess
  • Go on an all-women retreat

There is a great power in reciprocity. It’s as important to give to people as it is to receive. If you give something to someone, they will eventually give something back – be it to you or someone else. Hence, we need to practice each for equal. If we are a more gender equal world, we can be a more enabled world. We can do that through reciprocity.

The other thing being that we can’t control the events in our life. We can control our reactions to them. We should never stop learning and seeking feedback. In order to develop and grow we need to continuously learn and improve while still believing in our own ability. We should not let an awareness of our own development areas impact our confidence levels or self-belief. So, no matter what stage we are at in our career, we can continue to learn, evolve and grow. Education and hard work are the key stones to success. We can learn at any age. If we learn, we grow and as we grow, we can teach others by our example. Also, we should never stop embracing challenges. When we embrace a challenge, we think beyond the everyday and do more than we thought was possible.

Deciding to become a leader will affect our whole life. It’s not just our job but becoming a leader affects our role as a mother, a spouse or partner, and our position in the family. It’s a daily challenge that we need to accept to become a better person and better leader. Like the decision we make to be a mother, the decision to take on leadership affects everything. However, as a woman, we don’t need to be afraid of being a leader. And we should not expect people to treat us differently. As a woman we are no different than any leader, male or female. We have specific attributes that are inherent in us as women and can help us lead in a better, more effective way. For instance, we are more organized, flexible and can make adjustments more easily than men. That is a great benefit for any leader. Also, we don’t have to avoid having a family to be an executive leader. A lot of younger women think that if they want to become an executive, they cannot have a family. That is not true. We can do both things. We don’t need to separate these roles- leader and mother. We need to integrate them and we will become a better leader. Women let assumptions and mindsets get in their way a lot of the time. Women can master new things without any problem. It’s the change of mindset which is needed around what you can do and what you can’t do.

Vulnerability means showing people that you’re a human being. Everyone makes mistakes. And in times of uncertainty, we can’t be an uncertain leader. Being human and supporting people who are insecure or fearful of the future requires us to be a strong leader, to understand the human element, and also have strength and resilience. In uncertain times we still need to be open and empathetic but we also need to be the strong pillar in the company. We still want to be the person who everyone can rely upon.

We as women have a choice to find environments and surround ourselves with people who support women in leadership. If we don’t find opportunities for ourself where we are, we can go out and find a place where we will be supported in our goals. There is no reason why women need to stay somewhere where there isn’t encouragement to seek and achieve leadership goals.

It’s important for women to talk about their accomplishments and ambitions. We need to become comfortable speaking about what we have accomplished and what we want to accomplish. We really do need to become more comfortable sharing that with other people, so others know what we’ve done and what we want to do next with our career. We can’t leave it to other people to speak for us.

Vulnerability means showing people that you’re a human being. Everyone makes mistakes. And in times of uncertainty, we can’t be an uncertain leader. Being human and supporting people who are insecure or fearful of the future requires us to be a strong leader, to understand the human element, and also have strength and resilience. In uncertain times we still need to be open and empathetic but we also need to be the strong pillar in the company. We still want to be the person who everyone can rely upon.

We as women have a choice to find environments and surround ourselves with people who support women in leadership. If we don’t find opportunities for ourself where we are, we can go out and find a place where we will be supported in our goals. There is no reason why women need to stay somewhere where there isn’t encouragement to seek and achieve leadership goals.

It is important for women to talk about their accomplishments and ambitions. We need to become comfortable speaking about what we have accomplished and what we want to accomplish. We really do need to become more comfortable sharing that with other people, so others know what we’ve done and what we want to do next with our career. We can’t leave it to other people to speak for us.

At the heart of International Women’s Day, is the idea that individuals coming together can change the way the world works. We are all parts of a whole. Our individual actions, conversations, behavior’s and mindsets can have an impact on our larger society. The idea is that of collective individualism and sharing advice for women from women leaders. The history of International Women’s Day goes back more than 100 years. But it was on 8th March 1946, when feminists in Italy chose the Mimosa flower as a symbol of strength, sensibility and sensitivity for Woman’s Day. Purple is taken as the color to symbolize Women’s Day.

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