Sau Ka Jadoo
Volunteer Led Community Initiative

To motivate people to give back to the community & to keep that motivation sustained.
To further inspire more & more people
Program Method
We have a voluntary program with the stay at home women. In this program the women go out and give 100 hours of their time in voluntary service to the society. They contribute two hours a week. AURA is the guiding unit. We support them to discover their inner self and what is good within them that they can contribute. As many of them want to contribute but don’t know what they are good at. We have been doing this for several years so by now we have had almost 3000 to 4000 hours of contribution of voluntary time to the community.
– Niyati, Volunteer & Homemaker
Their desire and enthusiasm to learn is very motivating. The children in the group rarely miss a session, they want to know more, they keep asking me questions and that makes me energy.